
Thursday, July 30, 2009

What I wouldn't give...

Image and video hosting by TinyPic trade places with this sweet kitty for 24 hours.

Can you imagine? When she's asleep, nothing bothers her. She's in her own little world of sweet, uninterrupted happiness.

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Until this guy comes along, anyway.


Xenia said...

That's really cute! I think the same thing about my lazy dog sometimes, how nice it would be to just snooze on the couch all day... and then my 7-month-old crawls over and pulls his tail and my 2-year-old climbs right on him for a ride and I think, well, maybe not.

p.s. following you from MBC!

Xenia said...

Oooh, didn't realize I'd be #100, that's cool!

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