
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Just an update...

I'm just popping in to let everyone know I'm still alive over here. I really appreciate the comments you've all left for me. It's comforting to read stories about similar experiences and what-not, and it's also comforting to know that I'm not the only one who thinks I need a new OB. For a while there, I wasn't really sure if I could be confident that I wasn't just being hormonal or if she really is a nut job...

I've been doing some thinking, doing some research, and really trying to "tune in" to my body and figure out what it's telling me. As of today, I haven't heard it say much... figures.

Anyway, I WILL be pursuing the change in OB's, though it'll be someone else located within the same four walls of my giant, mega-clinic of an HMO. There is a chance my current OB will be the one who shows up for my delivery, as they're on permanent rotation, and that will be awkward, but I don't figure I'll care much when all I want is for someone to "get this baby out!"


Anonymous said...

That is a chance you take and I had to take the same chance when I switched doctors. I want to believe that most doctors would act professionally and ethically. I never did like the thought that I would see a doctor for my entire pregnancy never really meeting the other doctors in the practice only to have one of them deliver the baby. Doesn't quite make sense to me. Things will work out exactly as they are meant to. Think positive thoughts!

Shara said...

I've always thought that was a little strange, but I suppose if I were a doc I wouldn't want to be on call 24/7. I suppose just cause she's not the kind of person you would want to be seeing during your whole pregnancy it doesn't mean she isn't capable of delivering your baby safely the day of. Hopefully your new OB will be better at caring for you and the new addition without making you more anxious! Hope you're loving being pregnant!! Give me a shout now that you're done with school. :)

Christina Weedon said...

Shara, all the OB will do on "D-Day," is catch the baby, make sure everything looks ok, and then walk out... that is, if I'm lucky and the doctor's timing works well with when baby wants to come out, lol! The nurses do all of the work, and the doctor gets the credit!

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