
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

18 Weeks.

Today, I am eighteen weeks preggo. That's nearly twenty weeks, and twenty marks my half-way point! Wahhooo!!

I read online today that baby is about 5.5 inches from the top of his/hear head to his/her tiny little bum. They compared the size to a large baker potato. Baby's weight should be somewhere around 5.25 ounces. It's amazing to read these things and to consider there's a tiny little baby growing by leaps and bounds in there. I know, "duh, there's a baby in there," but really? Think about it... it's a weird concept.

I'm starting to feel movements, but only if I lay very still on the couch or in bed. It's easier to feel if I drink a big glass of cold, cold water first.

Oh, and another development thing... at eighteen weeks, the bones inside of baby's eardrums are forming and so are the nerves that transmit sound to the brain. So, whoever is in there baking away can hear us now! Yikes!

Less than a week until the big ultrasound... YAY!


Anonymous said...

I was just checkiung in to see how you are doing! I can't beleive that you are already 18 almost 19 weeks along!!! I'll be stopping by in a few days to see the wonderful results of your ultrasound!!! Eli and I send our love!!!

thepetersens said...

Woohoo! I am so excited for you guys! When do you find out what you are having?

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